
Pessoal desculpem a falta de atualização, foi por motivos pessoais e muita correria, esse site será DESATIVADO a web novela e as outras coisas estao sendo postadas ness site www.quaseanjosdevolta.tk . Obrigado por tudo

Tudo sobre: Gastón Dalmau.


Nome e sobrenome: Gastón Dalmau.
Idade: 26.
Aniversário: 23 de novembro.
Comida preferida: Lombo ao champignon com batatas em creme.
Cor: Verde.
Esporte: Esqui.
Time: Boca.
Cantor: Charly García.
Atores: Al Pacino e Johnny Deep.
Hobby: Cantar.
Um lugar: Monte Hermoso (Buenos Aires).
Seus companheiros o descrevem: Sincero, conselheiro e tranquilo.

Dados pessoais:
Nome: Gastón Dalmau
Data de nascimento: 23/11/1983
Peso: 60Kg (?)
Altura: 1,72m
Olhos: verdes
Cabelos: loiros
Manequim: calças: 28, Camisa: S
Número do calçado: 40

Habilidades extras:
Dirige carro e pilota moto, esquia, anda a cavalo, joga tênis, pratica natação, toca violão y faz canto.



Teatro: Oscar Recovsky + Augusto Fernandez + Alicia Zanka + Dario Dukah
Canto: Adriana Tarnovsky + Marcela Paoli + Gabriel Yamir + Carlos Bergamo
Cultural inglesa + Bell School Norwich England + Wall street Institute
Idiomas: Inglês e Espanhol


  • Casi Ángeles (2007/2010)- Ramiro "Rama" Ordoñez
  • Sos Mi Vida (2006)
  • Amor Mío (2005)
  • Media Falta (2005)
  • Conflictos en Red (2005)
  • Casados Con Hijos (2005)
  • Floricienta (2005)
  • Frecuencia 04 (2004)
  • La Niñera (2004)


A Vida de Gastón dalmau:

          Gastón Dalmau sem duvida é da novela Casí Angeles o que possui a voz mais bonita e melhor preparada além de ser considerado o melhor ator da novela. Nos vídeos Gastón conta tudo sobre a vida dele, onde nasceu, colégio, suas primeiras novelas e ele revela também o que poucos sabem, que ele possui uma doença rara e grave o qual quase levou ele a morte a doença é Síndrome Nefrótica.



A revolução das maquinas  2º temporada: Capitulo 10 





Capítulo 10


“VUELVO A CASA part 1”

Personagem Central: Juan Cruz



Rama (abaixa) Meu Deus o que é isso? Estão querendo me matar Rama começa a correr desesperado na rua, sua respiração estava ofegante, desesperado,pois estavam atirando nele)

Juan Cruz (para o carro e desce e pensa) Dessa vez eu não vou falhar

Rama (corre) Não, eu vou morrer, vão me matar

(Juan Cruz estava vestido de branco e estava atirando nele)

Rama (olha para trás e o vê) Não

(Uma pessoa de preto estava num beco e vê Rama correndo então puxa ele para dentro)

Rama (assustado) Quem é você?

(Pessoa de preto, que estava mascarado jogou Rama no chão, e subiu em cima dele, então o beijou intesamente)

(Juan Cruz não vê que o Rama escondeu no beco e passa direto)

(A pessoa de preto levanta e vê que o Juan Cruz passou direto então volta a olhar o Rama intesamente os dois se beijam novamente, Rama fecha os olhos e pega sua mão e levanta a máscara da pessoa de preto ele abre os olhos e assusta-se)

Rama (emociona-se) Mar!

Rama (assustado os olhos ficam cheios de lagrimas) Mar meu amor é você

Mar (levanta assustada) Você me conhece?

Rama (assusta-se) Como, se você pergunta se nos conhecemos, Mar nós íamos nos casar lembra? Nós nos amamos, você é minha vida

(Mar toca na cabeça e ver uns flashs na mente dela no dia em que Rama e Mar conheceram-se)

Mar (olha para ele) Minha cabeça

Rama (sorri) Mar foi neste beco que nos conhecemos lembra? )” Eu conheci uma garota no meu momento de fuga e ela me robou,o que eu havia roubado E foi épico até que então o sol saiu e a realidade disse que tudo aquilo era realidade” Lembra disso?

Mar (assusta-se) Não lembro, olha você deve esta enganado você é um selvagem eu nunca deveria esta com você

Rama (assusta-se) Selvagem? (Lembra-se que Jaz comentou que o Luca a chamou de selvagem) Aposto que você esta com um cara não é Mar? Mar ele fez lavagem cerebral em você, aposto que ele ordenou você me matar (Mar assusta-se) Mas você não conseguiu não foi?

Mar (começa a chorar) Como você sabe disso?

Rama (pega a mão de Mar e carrega ate o peito dele) Porque eu tenho aqui, se você não acredita em mim eu posso provar que você é meu amor, que você é minnha Mar, minha Marinanella

Mar (assustada) Como?

Rama (puxa ela para perto dele e a beija intensamente) Eu te amo! (diz no ouvido dela)

Rama (começa a cantar)

“Abra os seus olhos
Olhe para mim
Eu estou perdido
Procurando você
Você vai ser aquela
Que sempre o amei
Abra os seus olhos
Me toque

Abra os olhos
Venha a mim
Abra seus olhos
Estou aqui
Abra seus olhos
E você poderá sentir
Que há outro céu
Para viver

E na sua pele
O inverno vai embora dessa vez
Veja e eu sei
Voltarei a ser seu outra vez”



Mar (continua a cantar)

“Abra seus olhos
E eu estou tão longe
Sentindo você
Se você está perdido
Sem saber sobre mim
Abra seus olhos
Estou aqui

Abra os olhos
Para ver
Em meus olhos
A luz que encontrei
Abra seus olhos
E você poderá sentir
Que há outro céu
Para viver

E na sua pele
O inverno vai embora dessa vez
Veja e eu sei
Voltarei a ser seu outra vez”

Rama e Mar (cantam juntos)

E na sua pele
O inverno vai embora dessa vez
Veja e eu sei
Voltarei a ser seu outra vez”

Mar (assusta-se) Como você sabe essa musica?

Rama (sorri) Foi nós dois que fizemos

Mar (assustada) Nós dois?

Rama (sorri) Sim (estende a mão) Venha comigo

(Mar dá a mão a ele)

Rama (sorri) Vou lhe levar a nossa casa

Mar (olha para ele) Eu não me lembro de nada, mas eu sinto por você algo muito forte e...

Rama (toca nos lábios dela) Não fale nada, venha comigo

(Mar balança a cabeça)

(Rama olha para os dois lados da rua e vê que o Juan Cruz não estar então eles saem)


(Ao anoitecer... Juan Cruz chega em sua casa morrendo de raiva)

Juan Cruz (raivoso) Não pode ser como aquele Ramiro fugiu de mim? Marianella (grita ele) Marianella, (assusta-se) Ela não está aqui, foi ela que ajudou ele (grita) Maldição, desse jeito meu plao não dará certo (olha-se no espelho) XY 1200 você não vai conseguir por seu plano em pratica. Eu sou o primeiro robô construído pelo Nico, esses humanos me trataram como objeto, falaram que eu tinha defeitos, está na hora de minha vingança, eu preciso, acabar com esta raça, insignificante que é a raça humana, eu irei começar a revolução das máquinas, irei dominar este mundo, irei fazer dos homens meus escravos, como objetos, assim como eles fizeram comigo (raivoso) Desta vez não vou falhar e vou agir da pior forma possível, eles vão ver do que eu sou capaz

(Juan Cruz abre um baú que tinha no chão e pega um fita e começa a dá risada)


(Todos estavam no restaurante)

Jaz (assustada) Por que o Rama ligou para todos nós e pediu para virmos para cá?

Tato (abraçado com Jaz) Eu não sei, mas tomara que seja noticia boa

Hope (contente) Helloooooo é obvio que são noticias boas se não ele não pedia para nós virmos para cá

Téo (sorri) Se for o que eu tou pensando a noticia deve ser boa mesmo

Simon (exalta) E o que você esta pensando?

Téo (olha para ele) Não sei o por que mas acho que tenhe algo haver com minha mãe

Vale (exalta) Será?

(Téo balança a cabeça)

Cielo (sorri) Tomara mesmo que seja noticias da Mar, ou pode ser algo relacionado a banda

Nico (sorri) Sim pode ser meu amor

(os dois se beijam)

(Rama entra no local com a Mar segurado nas mãos todos assustam-se)

Rama (sorri) Pessoal essa é boa noticia

Téo (emocionado) Mar (abraça ela)

Mar (emciona-se) Desculpa mas eu não sei quem é você

Hope (assusta-se) Como não sabe está Crazy?

Rama (interrompe) Ela não lembra de nada, e ainda me chamou de selvagem

Jaz (exalta) Igual o Luca da ultima vez

Nico (exalta) Isso, significa que apagaram a memória da Mar, e implantou nós como selvagens , Mar quem estava com você?

Mar (olha para todos) Pessoal... eu não sei (olha para Rama) Por que você me trouxe aqui?

Rama (sorri) Porque aqui nós cantávamos era uma banda, trouxe aqui para cantarmos novamente

Mar (assusta-se) Quem era a banda?

Thiago (exalta) Rama, Jaz, Tato, Você e eu

Mar (olha para todos) Pessoal eu não lembro de nada

Rama (sorri) Canta conosco Mar, talvez a ajudará a se lembra de algo

Thiago (sorri) Sim Mar vamos cantar, (sorri) até rimou

(Todos dão risada)

Cielo (aproxima dela) Mar você pode não esta lembrando de nada, mas eu sou a Cielo, madrinha de namoro sua e do Rama, aconselho a você a cantar talvez você lembrarar de algo

Mar (olha para ela) Cantar o que?

Hope (sorri) Eu tenho uma musica essa aqui (mostra para eles)

Vale (sorri) Hope, você trouxe uma musica para cá?

Hope (sorri) Tia, eu imaginaria que ia acontecer algo desse tipo

Tato (sorri) Linda música Hope, eu vou avisar ao Salvador (sai)

Jaz (olha para Rama) Aposto que a pessoa que fez isso a Mar, pediu para que ela matasse o Rama

Rama (balança a cabeça) Sim, mas ela não conseguiu

Téo (começa a chorar) Eu não acredito que você voltou (abraça Mar novamente)

Tato (chega correndo) Falei com Salvador, ele disse para nós cantarmos

Rama (olha para ela) Vamos?

Mar (balança a cabeça) Sim, vamos

(Eles vão em direção ao palco)

Nico (exalta) Amanhã levarei a Mar para fazer exames precisamos descobrir o que ela tem

Simon (exalta) Sim, pai, é necessário fazer exames nela

Cielo (exalta) E precisamos descobrir quem fez isso

Vale (sorri) Sim, mas agora vamos ver a apresentação dos Teens Angels

Hope (abraça Téo) Viu que ela apareceu

Téo (emcionada) Estpu muito feliz Hope

Hope (o beija) Eu também


Salvador (sorri no microfone) Pessoal, tenho uma boa notícia os Teens Angels estão de volta e eles vão cantar agora, para todos vocês Teens Angels

(Todos aplaudem)

(Os Teens Angels sobem no palco)

Thiago (começa a cantar)

“Fui tão longe


E estava em casa

O que sonhei

Eu fui correndo

Atrás de um talvez

E não o achei”


Tato e Jaz (cantam)

“E fui seguindo

Uma ilusão

E fui deixando

Meu último adeus

Fui acreditando

Em outro amor

E fui perdendo

Meu coração”


Todos (cantam)

“Onde há esperança

Esta é minha casa

Onde há amor

Esta é minha casa

Onde esta você

Esta é minha casa

E enfim hoje eu

Volto para casa”


Rama e Mar (olham-se intensamente e começam a cantar)


“Eu fui sentindo

Uma grande dor

E fui chorando

Por esse amor

Eu fui buscando

Algo melhor

Voltei a meu mundo

Voltei a você”


Todos (cantam)

“Onde há esperança

Esta é minha casa

Onde há amor

Esta é minha casa

Onde esta você

Esta é minha casa

E enfim hoje eu

Volto para casa”

























10/10/2010 - Aniversário de Lali

Oi Pessoal! Hoje é aniversário da Mar"Mariana Espósito" ela esta completando 19 anos. Mariana começou sua carrei aos 12 anos na novela Rincón de Luz (2003) .... Malena Cabrera/Coco Sua Carreira fez sucesso, tanto sucesso que ela foi chamada para fazer a versão argentina de "Floribella" la chamada "Floricienta (2004/2005)" Ela enterpretava a personagem Roberta Fritzwalden(com 13/14 anos)  E quem disse que ela parou, no outro ano com 15 anos(2006) ela fez chiquititas sin fin, a versão passou em 2008 no sbt, como chiquititas 2008, ela fazia Agustina "Agus" Ross Em (2007/2010)(15/19 anos) Ela entrou no elenco de Casi Angeles como a personagem mar, e hoje ela é uma das meninas mais bonitas da argentina e sua beleza foi comparada até com a Demi Lovato(Pra mim ela ganha, de todas do mundo)                                          Parabéns Lali!





Pessoal, desculpem os atrasos da atualização do site mas eu estava viajando, e devido a minha faculdade vou promover mudanças no quase anjos 2010, as postagens dos capitulos de blood and love e da revolução das maquinas será aos sabados pela manha. Para nao haver atraso nas postagens.


A direção








Já está disponível para download neste site TODA a 2º temporada de quase anjos "DUBLADO" isso mesmo os capitulos que estao sendo exebidos pela BAND estamos com todos os capitulos atualizados, para baixar vá na parte de download deste site.

Salientando que os links uns estao no megaupload e outros no 4shared.

Dica para fazer download dos capitulos de Quase Anjos


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Instalação e uso


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Link para download: www.baixaki.com.br/download/jdownloader.htm



Conheça o Twitter oficial dos atores de quase anjos:

@chinasuarez (Jazmín)

@ValuZenere (Alai)

@chavanne (Nina)

@Dakyta (Paisa)

@mcandevv (Tefi)

@Minouattias (Cielo/Paz)

@Vazqueznico (Nico)

@Vicdalessandro (Luca)

@agustinacordova (Sol)

Especial da semana: Os melhores beijos

 Nós do site Quase Anjos 2010 analisamos quais sao os melhores beijos da novela, e os vencedores foram os casais Rama (Gaston) e Vale (Rocío), na 1º temporada Rama entrou em um triângulo amoroso, com Mar e Thiago, nao tendo muita sorte, na 2º temporada ele corre atrás da Valeria, chegando a mudar sua personalidade para atrair a garota, mas depois de tanta luta Rama alcança seu prêmio e o casal protagoniza ao longo das 2º e 3º Temporadas cenas Hot de beijos e SEXO,  rockandroll
    Além de ser considerado por muitos o casal que possui a maior quimica dentro da novela, aqueles que estão acompanhando a novela pela Band preparem-se poir virá fortes emoções pela frente.


     Lembrando que quem nao pode asssistir a novela, pelo canal brasileiro aqui no site temos TODOS OS CAPITULOS para download em espanhol, assim vocês podem conferir melhor não só o casal Rama e Vale como também os demais.
     Essa é mais uma novidade do blog, toda semana haverá um especial de quase anjos, e na próxima vamos analisar qual o casal de maiores idas e vindas da novela até la






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Data: 06/11/2018

De: tairtup

Assunto: Rolands petersons minicrediT

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons minicrediT has released a new report on Cyprus who experienced an economic recession just recently, but indicated 5th most rapid growth in the European Union last year. In the last quarter of 2017 economic growth reached 3,9% - Cyprus achieved such a result for the first time in the last ten years, according to Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons minicrediT
Member of the board CPM Trading LTD Rolands Peterson (PRNewsfoto/CPM Trading LTD)
The amount of investment funds and the amount of assets being managed by them reflected growth in late 2017 and first half of 2018. In December 2017 there were 114 funds registered in Cyprus, but this year there are 130 already[1].Rolands petersons minicrediT The amount of assets managed by them experienced growth of 6%, reaching 4,718 billion euros in absolute terms (for comparison we could mention that in March this year the total amount of assets reached only 4,446 billion euros)[2].Rolands petersons minicrediT
In August the Cyprus Department of Transportation initiated amendments in its transportation fiscal policy, influencing new and used transport facilities registered after the law will be adopted. Outlining the above amendments are providing bigger road taxes for drivers with older cars and more horsepower, but those green-thinking will pay less. Such amendments provide several advantages: save income from transport taxation, decrease environment pollution, contribute to assets flow, and new car purchased stimulates a more attractive environment for foreigners, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons minicrediT who offers his thoughts on the Cyprus economy.Rolands petersons minicrediT
Smart investment and fiscal policy, increasing the budget income, simultaneously stimulating the national economy and one of the most important areas - tourism, as well as caring about environment protection in total resulted in significant economic growth and we are sure that in total numbers of 2018 Cyprus will also provide a great example for many economies.Rolands petersons minicrediT
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016.Rolands petersons minicrediT This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centers in the world. The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo.Rolands petersons minicrediT Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers is medium or large shipping companies. The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons minicrediT
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of "Norman Logistics spzoo" Rolands petersons minicrediT

Data: 06/11/2018

De: Alonzouphom

Assunto: где купить кольца с брильянтами, в Краснодаре

ребят, здорово, может кто лучше меня разбирается помогите!
новогодние праздники 2019 на носу, хочется подругу порадовать, думаю подвеску с брильянтами или браслетик ей подарить!, где можно быстро сделать по срокам?
насмотрелся видео про подделки в ювелирных, поэтому магазины категорически не рассматриваю
сделал расчет колечка с дорожкой на сайте kupibril.ru, получается один в один как картье, только разница в деньгах почти сотка
нравиться дизайн от картье в одном колечке пять бриллиантов в другом дорожка по кругу очень красивое на фото,имеет смысл за доставку платить или лучше в Москву сгонять, самому забрать

Data: 06/11/2018

De: tutictup

Assunto: Rolands petersons minicrediT

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Rolands petersons minicrediT has released a new forecasts of Poland economy. Economic growth by 5,1% in the second quarter of this year and 5,2% in the first quarter shows that Poland is on a stable, correct and sustainable development road. It is worth to recall that in the last quarter of 2017 the increase was 4,9%, but in the last whole year- 4,6%[1].
Rolands petersons minicrediT Although the Polish Prime Minister in an interview highlighted that external economic turbulence may pose a threat to the national economy, other significant indicators indicate that the situation inside the country is sufficiently stable to overcome external difficulties.
Rolands petersons minicrediT
One of the most prominent indicators, which reflects the home work done by Poland, is the unemployment rate, more precisely- the decrease of unemployment. According to the latest static data, last month it has decreased by 0.1% (from July to August this year), and it continues to decline. Another reason why external threats to Poland are not so scary is the fact that the biggest development guide of GDP growth is domestic consumption, (domestic demand). Domestic demand, with the dominant contribution of consumption reached 2,9%.
Although the volume of investments in Poland has decreased (4,5% in the second quarter of this year against the same quarter last year, when it was 8,1%), by a review of local government spending we conclude that the situation can be smooth out.
Rolands petersons minicrediT Also the revival of company investment outlays, including SMEs, is an important element that should help to boost GDP growth in coming quarters, Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. offers his thoughts on Poland economy.
Rolands petersons minicrediT
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016. This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centres in the world.
Rolands petersons minicrediT The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo. Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers are medium or large shipping companies. The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one-point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.
Rolands petersons minicrediT
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.

Data: 06/11/2018

De: vadimtup

Assunto: Rolands petersons minicrediT

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe.Rolands petersons minicrediT Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market.Rolands petersons minicrediT
Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future. Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019. GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly.Rolands petersons minicrediT Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].
Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2]. Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes. By developing its infrastructure, Poland would be able to succeed exports.Rolands petersons minicrediT The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons minicrediT who offers his thoughts on Poland economy.Rolands petersons minicrediT
To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.Rolands petersons minicrediT
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.

Data: 06/11/2018

De: Ashleyret

Assunto: Несколько фактов о Челябинске

Челя?бинск седьмой по количеству жителей, четырнадцатый по занимаемой площади город Российской Федерации, административный центр Челябинской области, городской округ с внутригородским делением[7]. Население — 1 198 858[5] человек (2017) . Челябинск расположен на геологической границе Урала и Сибири, на восточном склоне Уральских гор, по обоим берегам реки Миасса (бассейн Тобола)[4] .

[b]Алое поле[/b]

«Место встречи — Алое поле», — эта фраза вряд ли вызовет недоумение у жителя Челябинска. Правда, раньше оно носило другие имена: Ярмарочная площадь, Александровская площадь, площадь имени В. И. Ленина. Раньше здесь проходили ярмарки, а сейчас это сквер, по запутанным дорожкам которого любят прогуливаться горожане.

Data: 06/11/2018

De: kostiatup

Assunto: Rolands petersons minicredit

The transport development has caused objective problems for traffic in cities around the world, including Latvia, and the reason for this is a rapid increase in the number of vehicles. Road congestion is the most urgent problem in a trip planning because it affects the total time of transportation and, therefore, costs that have a particular relevance to the logistics industry. The quality of the roads, a painful subject in the past, has a significant impact on transportation time.Rolands petersons minicredit Without high-quality roads, it is impossible to improve the efficiency of transport, which, in the context of economic globalization, is said to be one of the main directions for the logistics development.Rolands petersons minicredit

Promises against statistics

At the end of 2017, according to the report "Global Competitiveness Index", which was annually compiled by experts from the World Economic Forum, Latvia was not ranked among the top 100 countries of the world's rating. (out of 137 countries participating in the ranking, Latvia took 107th place, and Lithuania and Estonia took the 37th and 38th places) Despite this, VAS (State Roads of Latvia) announced that, despite the increase in traffic on Latvian roads, their quality has been improved in recent years.Rolands petersons minicredit

EU assessment - Stable 3 points.

In 2017, 65.1 million euros were spent on the development of the national roads, including 32.3 million for the summer period works, and 32.8 million for the winter period works. In the same year, it was also planned to spend 37 million more, compared with the previous year.Rolands petersons minicredit However, even these investments have not resulted in the average level of road quality in the European Union. According to the latest report, the average level in the EU is estimated at 4.76 points, Latvia, compared to that has been given 3.05 points.

The state of the roads not only hinders the development of the logistics industry but also contributes to the disproportionate level and the pace of social and economic development of the regions.Rolands petersons minicredit The most remote regions of Latvia can develop tourism facilities, offer industrial premises for entrepreneurs, etc. however, if there is no road system to get to these cites, no results shall be expected.

Financing is eight times less than it needs to be.

"Requests for the organization of roads," "Road quality is catastrophic" - these headlines often appear in the mass media, while road maps try to reduce the existing damage by implementation of available sources, however, there is no sign of a significant improvement, when the funding is eight times less than it is necessary.Rolands petersons minicredit At the same time, we make the mistake of struggling only with the consequences of the disease, when we need to identify the root of the problem and take the preventive measures.

One of the main problems that can be figured out now is the climate of the country, which in Latvia will not change significantly in the future, therefore, the problem will remain constant.Rolands petersons minicredit The number of vehicles will also increase, so the question is: how to increase financing, which is the most important addition to the urgent issues.Rolands petersons minicredit 130 million euros are required annually for maintenance and repair works of local and gravel roads but this amount cannot be provided only by EU funds. It is also completely unclear how the situation will look like in 2020, after the end of EU funding program. Rolands petersons minicredit

Without the excise tax on fuel, there is no chance for survival

The fact that the change is expected in 2020, the spring of 2018 is said to be the moment to start an intensive work and stimulate actions - change existing arrangements related to the existing tax system (only a third of the tax, paid by road users, are redirected to roads).Rolands petersons minicredit The time when it was possible to pull out a part of the income from tax has passed. Furthermore, we need to increase the number of public-private partnership projects in the sphere of the road construction, although this stage requires a proper preparation.Rolands petersons minicredit

In addition to financing, other necessary support measures need to be introduced: dumping water from roads in certain areas, timely planning, more restrictive control on roads, etc.

Data: 06/11/2018

De: sashatup

Assunto: Rolands petersons minicredit

The free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe. Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders.Rolands petersons minicredit This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors. Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy.Rolands petersons minicredit The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.

More than 30 airports are located in Lithuania

There are four international airports operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, Palanga, Siauliai, and, of course, in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports and military airfields.Rolands petersons minicredit In Estonia, airports are mainly located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu, Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international airports, however, there are more than 15 private and military airports and so-called airports of local importance located throughout the country.Rolands petersons minicredit Latvia still has only two international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though. Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore, it underscores the fact that even though the airport in Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its development, it brings a great potential, which can give a significant and valuable contribution to the domestic economy of the country.Rolands petersons minicredit

A successful start is taken after reconstruction

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its reconstruction was completed.Rolands petersons minicredit At the airport a significant drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in 2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this route. The five most popular destinations for transit flights along the Liepaja route include London, Berlin, Moscow, Copenhagen, and Hamburg, which, in general, brought very good results.Rolands petersons minicredit
Keeping in mind the processes that are still underway, it is important to mention the extensive capacity-building of the airports, environment protection in a long-term, enhancement of cooperation with other regional airports in Europe. It is not enough for Latvia to have only one high-capacity airport - we have a regional leader who can serve as an example of a successful market behavior for others.Rolands petersons minicredit

Support strategy for attracting new aviation communities

Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive regional airports in Latvia. To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the passengers' potential is needed, starting with linking their activities with the existing types of transport in the surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract new aviation communities, passengers, and additional services for client groups, bearing in mind that the added value of airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic cooperation partners and service providers.Rolands petersons minicredit Without a doubt, it is also essential to study the ultimate goals of tourist destinations, in order to promote the growth of the travel market and ensure its positive impact on the economy.Rolands petersons minicredit

Infrastructure for a variety multifaceted of commercial activities

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities.Rolands petersons minicredit It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport. Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.Rolands petersons minicredit
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union, or may face serious travel problems. The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy.Rolands petersons minicredit

Data: 06/11/2018

De: Alexeytup

Assunto: Rolands petersons privatbank

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank has released a new report on Cyprus who experienced an economic recession just recently, but indicated 5th most rapid growth in the European Union last year. In the last quarter of 2017 economic growth reached 3,9% - Cyprus achieved such a result for the first time in the last ten years, according to Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank
Member of the board CPM Trading LTD Rolands Peterson (PRNewsfoto/CPM Trading LTD)
The amount of investment funds and the amount of assets being managed by them reflected growth in late 2017 and first half of 2018. In December 2017 there were 114 funds registered in Cyprus, but this year there are 130 already[1].Rolands petersons privatbank The amount of assets managed by them experienced growth of 6%, reaching 4,718 billion euros in absolute terms (for comparison we could mention that in March this year the total amount of assets reached only 4,446 billion euros)[2].Rolands petersons privatbank
In August the Cyprus Department of Transportation initiated amendments in its transportation fiscal policy, influencing new and used transport facilities registered after the law will be adopted. Rolands petersons privatbank Outlining the above amendments are providing bigger road taxes for drivers with older cars and more horsepower, but those green-thinking will pay less. Such amendments provide several advantages: save income from transport taxation, decrease environment pollution, contribute to assets flow, and new car purchased stimulates a more attractive environment for foreigners, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.Rolands petersons privatbank who offers his thoughts on the Cyprus economy.
Smart investment and fiscal policy, increasing the budget income, simultaneously stimulating the national economy and one of the most important areas - tourism, as well as caring about environment protection in total resulted in significant economic growth and we are sure that in total numbers of 2018 Cyprus will also provide a great example for many economies.Rolands petersons privatbank
About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:
Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. is an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016. This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centers in the world.Rolands petersons privatbank The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo. Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers is medium or large shipping companies. The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.Rolands petersons privatbank
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of "Norman Logistics spzoo"

Data: 06/11/2018

De: Alexeytup

Assunto: Rolands petersons privatbank

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Rolands petersons privatbank has released a new forecasts of UAE economy. Analysing the indicators of the last 20 months, we can conclude that since August non-oil economy growth has slowed down. The seasonally adjusted purchasing managers' index - a composite indicator designed to give an overview of operating conditions in the non-oil private sector economy - dropped to 55 in August, from 55,8 in July[1].Despite slower growth, optimism among businesses in the UAE's non-oil private sector accelerated to a record high.
Rolands petersons privatbank Optimism is encouraged by the reluctance of many companies to launch new products, implement innovative marketing efforts, and opportunities to participate in Expo 2020[2].
Rolands petersons privatbank In general, the reduction was wee, and the fact that a large part of the companies has abandoned the reduction of the workforce, which, on the one hand, would help to save, is right, as companies have not lost their effectiveness. Most companies have acted exactly the opposite - they stimulated stagnant economic growth with new products, accordingly obtaining new orders as well, Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Rolands petersons privatbank offers his thoughts on UAE economy.Another point to be emphasized is that non-oil business operators in the UAE have shown that sometimes exactly the opposite action of the usual behaviour can improve the situation. In the area of a??a??pricing policy, most private non-oil companies in the UAE, instead of raising pressure on prices, announced constant prices, furthermore, some companies reported about price reduction, which was related to advertising activities.
Rolands petersons privatbankThe rate of growth was marked overall and reflected stronger inflows of new business from neighbouring GCC countries, besides new export orders rose once again during August and September.About Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.:A Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Rolands petersons privatbankis an international logistics company based in Poland since 2016. This company operates in Europe and also in many other major logistics centres in the world. The core business is a cargo brokerage, mainly marine cargo.
Rolands petersons privatbank Norman Logistics customers is significant EU companies which his production transport throughout marine cargo. And service providers are medium or large shipping companies. The mission of Norman Logistics is convenient logistics and one-point service for the same price, individual and best quality approach.
Rolands petersons privatbank

Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.

Data: 06/11/2018

De: DiwainNeurf

Assunto: Гепатит форум

Обсуждение новых препаратов для лечения гепатита С (софосбувир, даклатасвир, ледипасвир, велтапасвир и других)

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Nome: Mariana Miranda Sá

Data de Nascimento: October 15 1993

Como conheceu a novela: Pela internet e pelo sites de QuaseAnjos












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Novo anjo na equipe

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Nova produção de Cris Morena pode ter par romântico de Quase Anjos

Cris Morena, a produtora de Casí Angeles, já está pensando na próxima série após o fim da nossa querida novela. O novo projeto ainda não tem nome e roteiro definido, mas, ao que tudo indica, terá Mariana Espósito e Pablo Martínez, atual casal de Casi Ángeles, no elenco. Isso mesmo. Os atores, que interpretam os personagens Mar e Simon poderão aparecer juntinhos novamente após o fim de Quase Anjos. O Cris Morena Group e a RGB Entertainment já estão selecionando atores para a nova produção,...
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Quase Anjos também dará uma pausa

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